Sunday, April 3, 2011

ILEP-SEMINAR: What I like about my Internship

The weekly internship at Seneca High School always brings new learning and fresh insights. Science teachers really exert effort in order to help students who find difficulty, particularly those who are lagging behind and those who are at risk of failing. I salute those science teachers who come to school an hour before the first class or stay behind for another hour just to be available for students who might come for tutorials. My heart goes out to the teachers because most of the time students do not appreciate the help extended to them but instead think that extra work are just to make things more complicated. Perhaps, high school students are all the same across cultures. I observed a class where the discussion was guided by a KWL chart. By facilitating students to fill out the three columns, lesson development and conceptual understanding seemed more organized. In another class, the teacher asked the students to come up with their own experiment procedures so that they would be able to test a principle. In another activity, instead of just asking the students to gather data, he asked them to identify the possible sources of errors if they were not able to get the data trends that they were expecting. These kinds of activities enhance the critical thinking and reasoning of students which is very important in science. But what I appreciate most is the Teacher Cadet elective class. Although not all the students who are in this class would take education in college, it is still a very relevant and direct effort to recruit students into the teaching profession. I hope this kind of elective would also become feasible in the Philippines.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, it’s me more complaining hehe… After three months living here I began to love the cold weather. I used to complain about it because it effected my skin and it still do but it’s alright because after going back home I’ll have my sun back, the hot and super-hot weather will wait for me. I never thought that I would really appreciate the sun from now on hehe…The walking! I used to complain about it and my Doaa…poor thing! She has to listen about it every day. Now, I really enjoy it. We promise not to take the bus anymore. We’ll walk to the campus and back home. The food! How can you have an appetizer after cooking your own meal? I used to ask then question to myself but now no more complaining I love my cooking. I can’t wait to taste things that I cooked. Yes! I gained weight. OKEEE…to be honest that’s one of the reasons why we decided not to take the bus anymore hehe…
    The courses! I LOVEEEE them so much. I learned a lot and for that thank you very much to all of the professors.
    The library! Going and reading at their vast collections and resources made me want to stay there every day. I was so surprised when the librarian told me that I can borrow 100 books and I did that. It wasn’t a hundred but thirteen books then of course I have troubled carrying them back hehe…
    Visiting new places! Love it so much hope we can add it more in our schedule hihi…
    The school! I always enjoy it. That place is my comfort zone. The moment I arrived there I knew I’ll have a great time because I have a wonderful partner. Sheila Martin! What can I tell you about her..emmm she’s very active, busy like a bee hehe… I like her because she always involves me in every activity in the classroom. After school hour we always discuss about the next activity that we are going to give to the students.
    Is it because it’s only 15-20 students in the classroom here in America because compare to my classroom back home I always have 38-40 students, things are easy here because the teacher can handle and give enough attention to every students. One thing that makes it even easier is the time in one period of teaching. Here it’s only 50 minutes for one period, back home one period of teaching is 90 minutes. It brings many differences because the teacher only has to focus on one topic of teaching as the result the students tend to be more focus and active.
    Still one and a half more then back home…can’t wait for that to happen but for sure so far everything here is wonderful. The experiences that I will never forget for the rest of my life…
